Affects of Shoplifting

One of the most common non-violent crimes facing America today - and most of the world is shoplifting So prevalent is this problem, that most stores and shops automatically increase prices (as much as 10%!) to cover these losses. Shoplifters fall into several categories. First, there are the professionals". They make their living by stealing - most often to their customer's specifications. They have to perfect their technique to remove labels with scissors or razor blades, that could incriminate them if caught...or try designing a "booster" box for stolen articles...or the expert use of "bad bags" (shopping bags)...or "booster" skirts or pants (ordinary appearing garments with baglike compartments inside) dozens of other clever "professional's tools". Some take things they could easily pay for and perhaps do not even want. These offenders may suffer from kleptomania, a neurotic, irresistible impulse to steal. This is almost never done for the purpose of acquiring the item taken. While these people may not necessarily be considered mentally ill, generally "kleptomaniacs" are emotionally disturbed. The greatest number of shoplifters are "amateurs". Usually, they have little money, few scruples and an intense desire to own luxuries. Psychologists say the four most common urges and emotions underlying these crimes are: