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Location Importance And Crime


Location Importance And Crime

When looking to buy a house, the location of the house is very important.  Most people want to buy a home in a decent neighborhood, as they have the intention to remain at their home for many years to come.  If someone is planning to buy a home strictly for the resale value, then the location will prove to be even more important.  The resale factor of a home is very dependant on the location, simply because someone wouldn't want to buy a home that wasn't in a decent neighborhood.

When buying a home, the general rule of thumb is to purchase a home that will appeal to a large number of potential buyers.  To do this, you'll need to look at the location of the home.  The community is very important, especially in terms of crime.  If you buy a home in a neighborhood that is well known for crime you'll more than likely have difficulty when you try to sale.  Bad neighborhoods generally spark little to no interest.  These days, people want to buy homes in the best possible neighborhoods that they can afford.

When buying your home, you should always narrow the choices down a few of the best cities around you.  You'll want to buy your home in a community that has a very stable economy and plenty of commercial and business districts.  This way, when you decide to sell your house, you can rest assured that your house is in a good selling area.  You should also look at the crime statistics for the area as well. If the crime rate is high, you should look into another area.

You should also look into the local school system as well.  Even though you may not have kids now, you should always think about the future.  A home that is within a short distance to shopping centers and quality schools are always easy to sale. If you buy a home that is in a bad neighborhood and has poor schools, you'll quickly regret that decision.  If you can't afford to purchase a home that is in a good location, you should work on your credit and save up some money until you are able to purchase a home that is in a desirable location.

Although the size of a home is important, the location is one of the most important aspects to buying a home.  The location is important for those living in the home as well as the resale value.  A home that is in a desirable location is always easy to sale, for the simple fact that the location speaks for itself.  If you've been thinking about buying a home for the resale value - you should always make sure that you pay close attention to the location.

#crime #homeownership #safety

Protect Homes From Intruders


Protect Homes From Intruders

1. Never automatically open your front door. Make sure you know your caller's identity before admitting him. 
2. If the person at your door is a stranger, ask for identification to be passed under
the door. If he is unable to do this, do not admit him.
3. It is advisable to have a wide angle viewer (peep-hole) in the door so that you can check a person's identity without unlocking your door.


1. All doors in your home leading to the outside should have deadbolt locks.
2. When away at night, leave a light burning,
3. Do not leave a key over a door or under al mat.
The single lock on a garage door is inadequate to keep intruders from prying up
the opposite side and crawling in. Use a padlock. But never leave it unlocked.
This is an invitation to have the padlock removed so that a key can be made,
and the lock returned to its position. Later, the burglar returns when no one is
home and enters at his leisure, using "his" key.
S. Mark your valuables and keep an accurate record of all most valuable

When leaving on a trip:

A. Stop all deliveries.
B. Connect a light to a timer.
C. Notify the police and have a neighbor check your home periodically.
D. Have someone maintain your lawn. Call a concerned neighbor. If you see a suspicious person, car or situation, contact the police.


1. If you live in an apartment building with an intercom system to the front door, make sure the landlord keeps it in operating order.
2. Never admit anyone unless you are expecting him or know him.
3. Never admit anyone to the building who is there to see another tenant or to deliver something to another apartment.
4. Anyone asking admission so that he can do some work for another tenant should not be admitted, but should be referred to the building manager.
5. If you see someone in your building who looks out of place or is acting suspiciously, contact the police.

#crime #safety

How Much Can You Sue For in a Wrongful Death Case?


 CyberWorx Technologies

How Much Can You Sue For in a Wrongful Death Case?

Negligent acts, failures to act, and deliberate conduct sometimes lead to injures so severe that the victim does not survive can be classified as “wrongful death.”

Seeking Justice for Your Loved One’s Death

Wrongful death is the most serious claim the Clauson Law Firm handles. The loss of life due to the negligence of another person is a tragedy that could have been avoided if only the wrongdoer acted with appropriate care. 

Unlike other claims where a financial loss or property damage can be made right by the insurance company writing a check, no amount of money can compensate a spouse, a child, or a parent for the unnecessary death of their loved one. The only recourse we have to seek justice for wrongful death is to file a lawsuit seeking financial restitution from the person responsible for the death.

How much can you sue for? – North Carolina does not limit the amount

Every state has its laws regarding how wrongful death claims are adjudicated. In North Carolina, there are statutory rules that apply to all claims and lawsuits filed to recover compensation from the negligent or reckless party.

North Carolina has no cap on the amount you can recover in a wrongful death claim. The size of any settlement or money judgment is determined by all the facts and circumstances of the individual case.

How is the size of a wrongful death settlement determined?

The amount of a wrongful death settlement or a jury verdict is based on how these factors apply to the injury and death of your loved one.`

  • expenses for medical care, treatment, and hospitalization
  • the pain and suffering experienced by the decedent
  • funeral expenses
  • the monetary value of the decedent to the person(s) entitled to receive the settlement proceeds
  • including the lost net income of the person who died
  • value of the lost services, protection, care, and assistance of the decedent, whether voluntary or obligatory to the person(s) entitled to receive the settlement proceeds.
  • value of the loss of the decedent’s society, companionship, comfort, guidance, and advice to the person(s) entitled to receive the settlement proceeds
  • punitive damages the decedent could have recovered for the injury if they survived, and for their death, if caused through malice or willful or wanton conduct.

How much time do you have to sue before it’s too late?

The statute of limitation for a wrongful death claim in North Carolina is two years from the person’s death. But the statute of limitation for a personal injury lawsuit is three years.

That means that if the victim dies more than 12 months after suffering the injury that ultimately causes their death, the statute of limitation for the personal injury could run out before the wrongful death statute does. If the time runs out for a personal injury suit before the time to sue for wrongful death, then you are barred from filing the death claim, even if it’s less than two years from the date of death.

Sound complicated? That’s why the Clauson Law Firm’s experience is so valuable as your North Carolina wrongful death attorney. Our team of skilled lawyers, investigators, paralegals, and support staff are experts dealing with these complicated issues and exercising their professional judgment to protect you from missing deadlines or assessing your own family’s claims.

How can Contributory Negligence interfere with winning compensation?

North Carolina follows the legal theory called “Contributory Negligence.” Large insurance companies often try to block a plaintiff’s claim.

Under the contributory negligence law, if the decedent was negligent in the least during the incident leading to their injury or death, then no compensation or recovery can be obtained by suit against the party primarily responsible for the victim’s injuries.

The Clauson Law Firm team knows how to confront such an argument and how to protect your case from being harmed by an unfair claim that your family member contributed negligence to their injury and death.

There is also an exception to the rule. If the primary wrongdoer had the “last clear chance” to prevent the event causing the victim’s injury, then the decedent’s negligence may not be used to defeat the wrongful death claim. As you can seeBusiness Management Articles, it takes a deep understanding of the applicable law to bring your claim through the array of defenses insurance company lawyers will use to avoid compensating those family members who lost their loved ones.

#law #crime #wrongfuldeath #civillaw

Source: Free Articles from


The Clauson Law Firm is committed to serving America's Social Security Disability claimants, and clients injured by dangerous drugs. Clauson law also represents North Carolina's injured accident victims, by working to help secure the maximum compensation and highest benefits possible for every client

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